
Monday, November 27, 2017

Un Bautismo Milagroso

This past week was really good! We worked hard and the results showed.

On Tuesday we went to Lesly's house to make sure that she was ready for her baptism on Saturday and she said that she was, and her aunt who was also preparing for baptism told us that she would like to get baptized with her niece. So we told her that she can. And we got them both ready for this past Saturday.

We worked with them all week and we could help them get ready for Saturday. When the day came we went to go get them in their house to take them to the church, but we found them on the way there in a taxi. They were excited for the big day! I got to baptize both of them. The little girl Lesley was scared of the water and water getting in her ears, so we bought earplugs for her. And when she came out of the water she said, "Water didn't get in my ears!" and was really happy. And they got confirmed on Sunday at church.

All is going well here in the jungle. We didn't do anything for Thanksgiving, mainly just cuz it's not celebrated here. We did eat Subway though.

Till next week!
Pics to come!!!

-Elder Taylor

Monday, November 20, 2017

We Went To Chinandega

This past week was good, We had a lot of good visits and we have good people getting ready for baptism.

On Wednesday we went to Chinandega for a multi-zone. We left at 5:30am. We ate a good breakfast and got there in time for it to start. I got to see a lot of old comps(5)  and mission friends. So all was good in the hood. 

Elder Perry found out that for school he will be going home in March, so he will be going home a few months earlier than me. He seems excited for that news.

We had a lot of people that wanted to give us food this week. I was literally full for the entire week. But now I am just satisfied. Not full or hungry, just in the right place.

We had a girl that should have gotten baptized this past week, but she got sick, so this week we should have a baptism. She really seems happy to do it. Her name is Lesly.

That is about it. Thanksgiving is this week, but they don't celebrate it here, so life won't really change for me.

And no pics till next week, this computer doesn't want to download them.

-Elder Taylor

Monday, November 13, 2017

First week in El Coyolar

This first week in my new area was really good! Elder Perry and I were MTC comps, so the transition was really easy, and I knew a lot of the area. So it was smooth sailing.

We have had a lot of success this week, we have a lot of really good investigators here. We have a big area, so it is easy to find new people. The lady that makes us lunch her is a little old lady named Elba. She is 72 years old, but the sweetest old thing you have ever met. And she cooks really good. She has 25 years cooking for missionaries. So she knows what they like and what they don't like.

On Thursday, Elder Sevilla had to do some baptismal interviews for us and some Hermanas. So I went with him to do that.  The Hermanas (Hernandez and Orillana)  area is right by ours, but it is HUGE. We did a few interviews, but we walked a ton. Then we came back to our area and did an interview for our girl who got baptized on Saturday.

On Saturday in the morning cuz we have McDonalds in our area, we went to get breakfast there. It was awesome. Then we went to go get everything ready for the baptisms. We were supposed to have the baptism at 3pm. But our girl took a while to get ready, so we went to the church to wait for her. I also had to baptize 2 people for one pair of Hermanas, and another guy for another pair of Hermanas. So I had to be there a bit earlier. But our girl, whose name is Russell, showed up a bit late, so we couldn't get pics. But all went well.

On Sunday we had 132 people at church! the most I have had ever in NIcaragua. It was cool. And it was the primary program. Here they include 14 year olds. One of the big kids told us that one of the scriptures he read was in the Book of Jesus instead of Jeramias. It was funny. It was good times.

At night we had to go to dinner but the streets were flooded from the rain all day. So we rolled up our pants and put on crocs to go to dinner. We got a few weird looks, but it was fun. (See pic)

Well that's all till next week!
-Elder Taylor

Me and Elder Perry in our Pday attire today
Pday Selfie
Rain Shoes

Monday, November 6, 2017

I got transfered to...

Honestly, this past week was one of the best weeks that I have had in the mission.

On Tuesday morning we went with one of the members of the ward that has a corn field to pick corn. He is 80 years old, and his farm is about 1.5km from his house. He has to take a break every few minutes, but he goes there 3 times a day. ​​ It was really a good time. He is my hero. And on Wednesday he invited us over to his house to have homemade tamales. They are so freakin' tasty.

Thursday was the Celebration of "Dia De los muertos" or Day of the Dead. We went with a member to the cemetery to help decorate the grave of her grandma. It was really kind of weird, cuz people were trying to make money by being clowns and selling food in the middle of the cemetery and listening to rap really loud. But hey, that is pretty much a really good explanation of Nicaragua for y'alls.

On Friday we were tryin' to get permission for a kid that wanted to be baptized that is 14 years old. His parents aren't members but they are cool people. We went to their farm to help spread fertilizer. They don't have anything to spread it, so we put it down by hand, just throwing a bunch of fertilizer by hand on like an acre plot. It was good times. And we got orange Fanta and bread and permission for the baptism as a reward.

That night we had to clean the pool that we baptize in. It was really dirty. We spent like an hour cleaning it in the dark. But we got it done and filled in time for the baptism on Saturday.

We got to Baptize Silvio on Saturday. The baptism was good. It was pretty much just his mom and dad and a few members that came, But it was good. I got to baptize him. It was awesome. He got confirmed in church on Sunday. We had 20 people at church yesterday.

And today I got transferred. I got transferred with in the same zone, But to the middle of the zone. An hour away from Malpaisillo. In Leon. A place called El Coyolar. I am with Elder Perry. My comp from the MTC. He is a good guy. It should be a good transfer. This is my first area that I don't have to take buses every week. And my first area with a chapel. It will be good times!

Till next week,
-Elder Taylor

The baptism​

Visiting the corn field

Me and Elder Perry in the MTC