
Monday, July 31, 2017

A Steller Week

Well, another week gone here down here in the Jungle. It went really well I think.

On Wednesday we went to Leon with 3 members so that they could put their family history in the computer. We were there about 3 and a half hours doing that. And the members really enjoyed doing it.

On Thursday we had house inspections and interviews with President Poncio. It went really well. 

Also on Thursday, we went to Nagarote (Nah-gah-row-tay) to do baptismal interviews for 2 youngsters that were getting baptized. It went really well, but we got there around 5pm and when we got done with the interviews it was about 6:30pm and the last bus left at 6. So we stayed the night in Nagarote with Elder Smith (Las Vegas) and Elder Taulapapa (Hawaii) . We ate papusas and all was well in the world.

On Friday we were still in Nagarote and we went to the baptisms for the 2 kids that we did the intervies for. They were really excited and they woke up at 5am to get ready.
On Saturday we had an activity in the the house that we meet for church. We watched the movie Legacy that that church made about the pioneers. It went well and we got some investigators there as well.

At church yesterday we had 13 people. I gave a talk as well about keeping the commandments. I hope that they learned something from it. We had a really awesome investigator there was answering questions and really enjoyed church.

Also, this month of July as a zone we broke the record for baptisms. We baptized 37 people this month! So next week we will all go to the Mission President's house to eat some good food and hang out! I think that that record has stood for like 5 years or something like that.

And finally, tomorrow Aug 1. Marks 1 year from the day that I entered Nicaragua! 1 year outside of the ol' USA.

-Elder Taylor

An average yard in Nicaragua

An average yard in Nicaragua

An official stamp on my agenda from the Country of Nicaragua

A drink called Chia. Its like a pineapple-type drink

The chicken, that lives in my back yard, has become my friend

Monday, July 24, 2017

Super tuanis mae!

This week went by really fast. On Tuesday we had district meeting in Leon. It was pretty good and Elder Sevilla Brought his guitar and we bashed out in a mix of Spanish and English.

On Thursday I went on Divisions here in Malpaisillo with my Zone Leader Elder Wilkes. He is from Idaho. He was also my Zone Leader when I was in Cuiadelda. We came together to the mission. It rained a lot that day as well and we found some really good families as well to teach.

On Sunday we went to church. We had 14 people and people from Leon came to teach family history so in October there can be a trip to the Honduras Temple. (There isn't a temple in Nicaragua). Everyone was pretty happy. And we had a really positive investigator show up. He really enjoyed learning about the family history. Hopefully he can get baptized so he can go to the temple in October.

Stay cool.

-Elder Taylor

A house of card that I made. (The kid is the son of the lady that makes us lunch everyday)

Monday, July 17, 2017

Mi primer bautismo en Malpaisillo

Well this past week was a really good week.

Last Monday when I was writing the fam, I started getting a fever and it got progressively worse throughout the night. We went to a dinner appointment where they gave us pizza, but at that point I was sick to my stomach as well, so I just kind of chilled in a hammock while my comp ate pizza. It was sad cuz pizza doesn't come along too much in a dinner appointment. usually it is just rice and beans.

On Tuesday we went to Leon for district meeting. I was feeling a bit better that day. I think the sickness just came from changing from the cold climate in Jalapa and Somoto to the really hot climate here in Leon. The district meeting was good.

On Sunday we had a priesthood meeting in Leon. So all of the men here in Malpaisillo were invited. We took advantage of the trip and the bus that we had for the trip and we took our investigator Yarelkis (19 years old) to get baptized there as well. Normally we baptize in here in Malpaisillo in a swimming pool. But the girl wanted to be baptized in the Stake Center. So we went.

It was a really good baptism! All went smoothly. I accidentally left my white baptismal pants in Somoto so I had to borrow some. And they were super tight on my waist, but they did their job,

Stay awesome,

-Elder Taylor

Yarelki's Baptism​​

Yarelki's Baptism​​

My team playing soccer today in Leon​​

In front of the sign for Malpaisillo

In front of the sign for Malpaisillo

My last Sunday at church in Somoto

Monday, July 10, 2017


Well, my first week is up in this new area! It seemed really short and long at the same time.

On the 4th of July we ate burgers and fries at a little place in front of our house. It was pretty good actually. And we got a good conversation with the lady there as well. 

On Thursday we went to Leon to have the Zone meeting. I didn't really know that many people because I was in the zone Ocotal for so long, but I know enough. My district is really cool and my old comp Elder Sevilla is in it as well. So it should be a good transfer here.

We should have had a baptism this week on Sunday, but the girl didn't show up. I am not sure what happened, I think it was because of her grandma who is catholic and doesn't want her to get baptized. But we will see how it goes.

Also on Sunday we had 17 people at church! The norm is 14 so we had a bit more than normal. Hopefully we can get a baptism this week, we have some really good people that we are teaching!
Till next week,

-Elder Taylor

The view​

The active Volcano: Cerro Negro (Black Hill)​

My district​

Me and my comp Elder Espinoza​

A nice view (An active volcano on the far right)​

Me chillin´​

Me and my comp Elder Espinoza​


My house​

My house​

My house​

my house (the shower)​

A chicken that enters our house sometimes​

Monday, July 3, 2017

Made it to Leon

Well, I have made it to Leon. My adventure stared at 3:30am in Somoto. We woke up early to get the 4:40 bus to Ocotal, but it left early so I had to travel alone at 6am to Esteli for 2 hours where I met up with other missionaries going to Leon as well. We went in a tiny bus for 3 hours. We finally got to Leon about 12:00pm.

When we got there, we were close to a church building and but all of our luggage in there. And then we took a truck taxi thing and went to a giant plaza. (I forgot my camera) There is one of the worlds biggest cathedrals there. And right next store is a McDonalds. I got myself a bacon burger with fries and a coke. It was way good. And I believe better than an American McDonalds.

After lunch me and my Compañero (Elder Espinoza from Guatemala) we went to our area that is an hour away from the main place. Our area is called Malpaisillo (Mal-pie-see-yo) It is really warm here and pretty humid. But it is cool place. I can see 2 volcanos here and they are HUGE!

I hope that I can make this a good place for me. Next week I will send pics of my house and other places. 

Till next week,
Elder Taylor

This pic is of a creepy street painting in Somoto

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Surprise Sunday Letter

Today I am sending pics because tomorrow I will be in a new area in Leon Nicaragua. And I am not sure if I will have time to send them out. So here you go and I will send out a letter tomorrow as well if possible.

Me teaching a donkey (Somoto is called the City of Donkeys)​

Still teaching the donkey ​

The church here when it rains​

Teaching English class​

The story that we taught in English class​